A company’s most valuable resource is its people. Are you interested in exploring the crucial role human resources play within organizations? By studying various HR disciplines such as recruitment, training and development, employee relations, and performance management, you gain a foundational knowledge base that prepares you for successful entry into the HR arena. Pursuing a BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management offers you a chance to delve into the intricacies of HR practices and gain valuable skills that are highly sought after in today’s job market. This concentration provides you with a solid foundation to pursue advanced degrees, such as an MBA or a Master’s in Human Resource Management, enabling you to further enhance your career prospects and potential for leadership roles within organizations.
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This program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
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I’ve received so much from GBC from the meaningful connections with my professors, campus staff, and fellow students, from the student organization committees joined, accolades earned, a fantastic internship, and a new career with the State of Delaware.
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